Quarterly Magazines

Contact Us


Advertising Sales:

Essex, Clinton, Madison and Westbrook:
Ward Feirer (914) 806-5500 or e-mail him at ward@eventsmagazines.com



Old Lyme, East Lyme and Old Saybrook Events: Call Betty Martelle at (860) 333-7117 or e-mail her at betty@eventsmagazines.com

Chester, East Haddam, Guilford, Haddam, Ledyard
and East Hampton:
Call 860-767-9087





The talented staff at Events Magazines is dedicated to making Events the best publication in Connecticut.

Events Magazines are published by Essex Printing Co.,
18 Industrial Park Road, P.O. Box 205, Centerbrook, CT 06409.
Essex Printing phone: (860) 767-9087
fax: (860) 767-0259
e-mail: print@essexprinting.com
website: www.essexprinting.com

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